Thank you for choosing k a t g l a s s  s t u d i o for your stained glass repair! In order to better serve you, we will need information from you about the repair. The information will assist in the assessment process for your repair. Please feel free to utilize the form below. Once we receive the necessary information, we will call you at the number you’ve provided. Thanks!

Please provide the following information:


Phone Number:

Email Address:

How Many Pieces Broken?

Are the pieces clearly marked in photos?

**For DOOR REPAIRS ONLY, as well as the previously requested information please include the following:

Is there Tempered Glass in place?

Panel Measurement:

Is removal and delivery required?:

Address where panel is located:

Photos should include close up photos of the Molding inside and out.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


Your Message

Your Pictures